VA Leadership Recognizes Lebanon VAMC Excellence of Care

DSS proudly supports Lebanon VAMC through innovative health care solutions


DSS is proud of the recent success and accolade of one of the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMC) it supports in delivering patient safety and quality Veteran care through innovative health care solutions. As reported in the Lebanon Daily News, the Lebanon VAMC won the Best Patient Experience award for level 2 facilities in the VA for three straight years.

The report noted the recent visit of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough to the Lebanon VAMC in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, as he congratulated the facility and recognized the dedication of its care teams.

McDonough was quoted, "Something is being done very, very well here at Lebanon, and I wanted to come witness it myself. from the moment I walked in the front doors and met veterans who were effusive in their praise for their care here, I knew I was in the right place."

Lebanon VAMC’s performance is even more impressive considering it is serving more patients than ever before. Overall, the facility is treating 7 percent more Veterans this year than last. It is serving nearly 11 percent more women Veterans over the last year and 10 percent more outpatient visits.

The DSS’ mission is to support VA and its medical centers toward improved clinical workflows to meet the needs of clinicians and care staff for overall patient safety and quality care for Veterans. As a longstanding partner to VA, it offers VA stakeholders and end-users several technology solutions and innovations that improve efficiency across multiple clinical domains.

Lebanon VAMC knows how to empower its employees with advanced tools that provide the correct data at the right time. To be quickly recognizable, data and analytics need to be presented via data visualization tools that permit significant trends in operating statistics and allow patient care status to be easily monitored and tracked. 

The VA simply cannot rely on humans – no matter how heroic or mission-driven – to carry out hundreds of repetitive actions to identify when patient interventions are required. Humans cannot look at every patient and every care process every second, but advanced software designed specifically for public-sector health care can. 

DSS is proud that Lebanon VAMC has decided to deploy so many of the DSS care solutions and continues to be recognized at the highest levels for their excellence of care.

The following DSS products support Lebanon VAMC’s excellence of care:

Consult Tracking Manager Plus (CTM Plus): CTM Plus streamlines workflows, provides oversight to resolve consult and Return to Clinic (RTC) tracking pain points, and ensures that patients are called and scheduled on time. This is quality control for both the provider and the patient. Learn more here.

CIS DataBridge: Our Clinical Information System DataBridge is responsible for the integration and data flow between VistA and the CIS Anesthesia Record Keeper application. This dramatically helps the management of complex clinical information data generated from patients admitted to the OR and ICU. Learn more here.

TheraDoc: VAMCs and hospital systems use TheraDoc to aggregate disparate EHR data in real-time for targeted patient monitoring. This is especially important in infectious disease, antibiotic resistance, clinical pharmacy, outpatient clinical services, and specialty care. TheraDoc’s real-time picture of patient care allows care providers to intervene immediately as patients’ conditions change. Learn more here.

Telecare Record Manager (TRM Plus): TRM Plus is a web-based application that provides VHA health care facilities with an intuitive, user-friendly interface for telecare triage providers. TRM Plus creates Progress Notes, which are seamlessly incorporated into the patient’s EHR. It empowers clinical teams to maximize patient safety, quality of care, and operational efficiency. Learn more here.

VistA Chemotherapy Manager (VCM): VCM is a clinical decision support tool designed to automate chemotherapy treatment. It has now transitioned to Infusion Therapy Manager (ITM), a web-based decision support tool that manages evidence-based protocols as part of an intuitive workflow for the ordering of infusion therapy across multiple medical specialties. Learn more here.

Rx Framework: Rx Framework creates an interface that allows pharmaceutical vendors and their machines to interface with VistA. This digital connection enables medical and pharmaceutical data transmission between VistA and pharmaceutical machines using the Health Level Seven (HL7) Messaging Standard. Learn more here.

To learn more about how DSS is a catalyst for health care innovation and digital transformation for the VA, click here.