Entrance & Diagnosis
Consult Tracking Manager Plus (CTM Plus)
Focus on patients, not paperwork
A web-based solution, CTM Plus streamlines workflows and provides oversight to manage consult and Return to Clinic (RTC) tracking pain points, and ensure patients are called and scheduled on time.
Provides a department/service view of RTCs
Displays and updates consult information in real time
Improves patient satisfaction by providing tools to help ensure timely completion of consults
CTM Plus helps Veterans Affairs Medical Centers operate as an HRO, focused on VBC principles by providing technology that empowers clinical teams to maximize patient safety, quality of care, and operational efficiency.
CTM Plus Advanced Bundle
As clinical workflow challenges evolve, we use VA customer feedback to drive more streamlined clinical performance. The CTM Plus Advanced Bundle is about enhancements that will be available as optional add-ons for Veterans Affairs Medical Center facilities that have already purchased a license for the core CTM Plus software.
The Bundle will include the following new tools:
Advanced Labels Dashboard
Inter-Facility Consults (IFC) Dashboard
Beneficiary Travel Dashboard
STAT Consults Dashboard
Utilization Reports
Fill out the form below and we’ll be happy to schedule a brief discussion with you to learn more about your needs, how our solutions work, and how we can work together. Our team will contact you shortly.