RadWise qCDSM: Bringing improved clinical imaging orders to VA
After nearly thirty years driving VA innovation, DSS is proud to announce the most recent success of our CMS-qualified Clinical Decision Support Mechanism (qCDSM) radiology solution, RadWise. As prime contractor, Miniburn Technology has been awarded a 52 month contract to provide RadWise to the New Orleans VA, in a major step forward in achieving key initiatives to improve efficiencies and protect Veterans.
With seamless integration into VistA/CPRS and existing clinical workflows, RadWise offers evidence-based, appropriate recommendations to improve clinical imaging order accuracy, resource management, and ultimately reduce cost of care.
RadWise also protects the safety of Veterans. Redundant or inappropriate imaging orders bring risks, including unnecessary exposure to radiation. In addition to increased ordering accuracy, RadWise inspires greater Veteran engagement, giving them an expanded knowledge about their diagnostic options.
As the Indianapolis VA also prepares to go-live with RadWise, DSS is excited to continue building on its legacy of engineering smarter VA workflows for better Veteran outcomes.